Tracy is a media professional working in television. An enthusiastic…
Who hasn’t finished a book and been just a liiiittle bit in love with a lead character? Here’s 10 of the most ‘do-able’ fictional characters … in my book at least!
Mr Darcy – Pride and Prejudice
Let’s just get the obvious one out of the way. Fitzwilliam Darcy’s appeal is in part due to the fact that he’s handsome, a little aloof, witty and romantic. I love the fact that he pursues cool and clever Elizabeth Bennett.
It can’t hurt that we probably all imagine Colin Firth when we think of Mr Darcy either right?

Atticus Finch: To Kill A Mockingbird
Atticus Finch is one of the great literary heroes of our lifetime and the thinking girls crumpet. Even-keeled and kind, a dedicated single father and a compassionate truth seeker. Moral and secure in his own skin, he’s a masculine man without any macho misgivings. LOVE him.
Coach Taylor: Friday Night Lights: A Town, A Team and a Dream
OK, so I am fudging this one a little bit but Coach Taylor is a worthy inclusion. He’s a fictional character in the TV series Friday Night Lights, based on the book.
Football coach, mentor, voice of reason and all-round hot dude. Coach Taylor even scores bonus points for marrying the smart and sassy Tami Taylor. Clear eyes, full heart … can’t lose.
Gilbert Blythe: Anne of Green Gables
Gorgeous Gilbert Blythe … where to even start? Handsome, tall, curly haired and clever. Read on, there’s more! Doctor, friend, competitor and ultimately, champion and life partner for the lionhearted Anne. We all need a Gilbert!
Sir Percy Blakeney : The Scarlet Pimpernel
A secret superman who acts like an entitled, wealthy fop in order to throw people off his scent as the dashing Scarlet Pimpernel. Saviour to those destined for the guillotine, he’s a chameleon and master of disguise. His true character reveals him to be clever, witty and brave as well as a master swordsman.
I love that both Percy and his wife Margeurite pretend they’re in a loveless marriage, when they are actually partners of the heart and in cahoots with all things Pimpernel. Ooooh Percy!
Oliver Mellors: Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Oliver goes to great pains to be a simple man, with a simple life. Quietly self possessed, he has the opportunity to rise through society, but chooses not to as he hates the pomp and ceremony of the times. Physically frail although capable of great passion – he’s also the owner of an impressive reading library … gotta’ love a man who reads! A jack of all trades who’s good with his hands and writes a swoonworthy love letter – nice!
Theodore Lawrence: Little Women
Who doesn’t like a sexy neighbour? Laurie is cute, cheeky and relatable. He’s the male friend you don’t notice until he grows into a handsome, eligible and wealthy suitor, suitable for a feisty March girl.
Tony Stark: Marvel Comics
Billionaire philanthropist, scientist, and super hot superhero … need I go on?
Jamie Fraser: Outlander
If you haven’t read the book, you must have seen the series … or been living in a cave. Jamie Fraser is a hulking Scottish stallion with the body of an Adonis. He’s not put off by his feisty wife hopping across continents or centuries in time either.
Definitely a man for the ages!
Dirk Pitt: Various Clive Cussler books
Aside from possessing a porn star-worthy name, this dude is an adventurer, pilot, war hero, and classic car collector who lives in an airplane hanger. He’s also a protector of marine environments. Tall with craggy good looks, opaline green eyes and a penchant for good tequila. Hello, what’s not to love!?
Who have I missed? Which literary Lothario would you ‘do’?
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Tracy is a media professional working in television. An enthusiastic explorer of the inter webs, she's held many different roles and has worked on documentary, reality and lifestyle television shows across almost two decades in the industry. Tracy also writes.