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I want to watch your version! I think it turned out to be a very mixed bag but none the…
On Sex, the city, and midlife: Just like this?
I am so looking forward to this!!! The production is getting a lit of flack on-line but I will be…
On Sex, the city, and midlife: Just like this?
Hey Trace, I’m with you on this. 2020 has caused a lot of reevaluation in my world too.
On The Year of Enough
So lovely to read about some of your Xmas ways🌲
On Christmas traditions – my way
Hey TT! Brilliant read & I couldn't agree more! With a recent diagnosis of osteo arthritis in my left foot…
On Shoe me the way!
Love this. Love you. 💋 So glad we spent that lovely time together last December 😍
On The year we stayed inside …
Love this TT! Things to look forward to as I grow older 😄
On Why I love not being 25
I will take this is a reminder to NEVER adopt the thin eyebrow look!
On Hair … there, everywhere
This made me cry! So many things WILL be awesome; that's what is keeping me going ... xox
On New Year’s Eve & The Awesome Jar
Great article! really useful tips! I love the NARS product.
On Makeup must haves