Now Reading
Hey, four-eyes

Hey, four-eyes

So you finally need reading glasses? Welcome to the other side people! I’ve had mine for about 4 years now and it’s been a revelation, and a relief! The font on jars hadn’t actually gotten smaller. I didn’t have a bizarre life-threatening disorder of the eyes and I didn’t need an extra 30 cm in arm length. It was just good old presbyopia … old eyes!

Funk you glasses

These days there are some very cool specs on offer! Your optometrist will advise on your lens requirements, and your prescription may determine what frames will work best for you. But frames are fun, so let’s talk frames in general.

First up, have a good hard look at yourself! In the mirror silly, and work out what shape face you have. There are a multitude of spec shapes, so by doing this first you’ll eliminate some frames from contention.

Measure up baby

When you’re looking at frames, you need to think about the width of the frame itself, and the width of the bridge. The bridge must comfortably fit the width of your nose in order for your glasses to sit (and stay) properly on your face.

It’s important to consider the size, shape and colour of your new frames. A general rule of thumb for a good face-fit is that lenses are not wider than your face, or higher than your eyebrows. Unless you’re going for a specific fashion look … then read on people. 

Think about how you want the lenses to actually look. Small lenses can be super cool, but can potentially restrict your field of vision – not so cool. Maybe you want to rock an oversized pair of glasses? Do this by picking a frame shape that suits your face (at normal size), then amp up a size or two.

Of course you need to consider colour too. Be sure to try on the colour you like in the frame size you want. An oversized pair of orange frames may not look as good as a mid-sized pair in the same colour. Make a statement with a bold colour if that’s your thing! After all, the colour should suit both your colouring and your personality.

Finally think about your lifestyle. Are you going to need to wear your glasses when you play sport? Do you need prescription sunglasses as well? Are you like me, and need a dozen pairs so you can find at least one when you need them?

There are a ton of fabulous frames out there, and I reckon specs can be sexy! In my eyes, if you love your glasses and wear them with confidence – you’ve picked the right pair!

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